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In the midst of the horrors of the "Blitz" on London during the second World War, one gentleman, namely Alfred M. P. M. Dillon conceived the idea of forming the LONDON AND SOUTHERN COUNTIES BUDGERIGAR SOCIETY. Perhaps it should have been more aptly named "The Phoenix B.S.".

From an idea as far back as July 1941 when seated on the walls of York, where he had played as a boy, Mr. Dillon drafted a scheme to form the London & Southern Counties B.S. which he submitted to the chairman and secretary of the Budgerigar Society a few days later. A promise of full cooperation was received from the B.S. and, together with a gathering of a body of influential supporters, he finally convened an inaugural meeting at 2.30p.m. on the 4th October, 1941. The meeting was held at the Avenue L.C.C. School, Walworth, under the auspices of the Battersea CBS. At the head table sat Mr. E. R. W. Lincoln, editor of Cage & Aviary Birds, Mr. E. W. Brooks, of the Technical and Colour Committee of the Budgerigar Society, who was in the chair, and Mr. Dillon, the orginator and organiser of the movement. From the chair, the aims of the society were read:

1 ) To ensure that judging of Budgerigar exhibits would be carried out by Budgerigar specialists.

2) To give members and affiliated clubs something for their money - expert advice and a quarterly journal of a high standard.

3) To give clubs service by (a) lectures either personal, written or exchanged; (b) the granting of diplomas; and (c) supplying competent judges for club shows at a nominal fee.

Fifty two budgerigar enthusiasts subscribed to the membership roll of the new area society which they had just formed - the LONDON AND SOUTHERN COUNTIES BUDGERIGAR SOCIETY. Mr. Dillon was made secretary. The boundaries of the Society to be south of a line from Bristol to Chelmsford, both towns inclusive. The subscription was fixed at 5s.

An invitation was extended to Mr. Dillon by the Budgerigar Society's Administrative Panel and Delegates from Affiliated Societies to attend its meeting on 24th October, 1941 . The application for affiliation was accepted at that meeting.

One can say that from the ruins of a previously short lived society - The Southern Budgerigar Association formed in 1935 and disbanded just three years later, a new society was formed.

One will always be indebted to those members who laid the strong foundation as we approach our Diamond (sixieth) anniversary in 2001. Names like A. J. Barnicott, E. W. Brooks, C. H. Crowther, P. L. Dabner, W. H. Eales, E. W. Gadd, Miss M. E. J. Hughes, J. F. Jeffrey, F. W. Pratley, R. W. L. Thrasher, L. Trevallion and A. M. P. M. Dillon will go down in the annals of the London and Southern Counties B.S. history.


Work began immediately with the first committee meeting held on l8th October. Officers elected were Dr. P. Saint (president); Miss Hughes, Dr. T. Hare, F. Hopkins, F. Pratley and A. Barnicott (vice-presidents); E. Brooks (chairman); A. Dillon (secretary); R. Thrasher (treasurer); E. Gadd (editor); and a committee consisting of D. Spilsbury J. Darby, C. Taylor A. Clarke, J. F. Jeffery and L. Trevallion. E. Auerbach, Principal of The Avenue L.C.C. School, assisted in providing the premises of his school for meetings and shows. Membership shot to 70 in the first two weeks. 

Such confidence had the Society that a show committee consisting of F. Hopkins, F. W. Pratley, A. J. Barnicott and G. Lynch was formed to organise the Society's first show. This was staged on 3rd and 4th January 1942 at the Avenue L.C.C. School and attracted an entry of 300.

The Journal was the next task to be tackled. With the Government issuing their "Paper Restriction Order" for any new publications, the Yorkshire Budgerigar Society came to the rescue. They offered four pages for us in their "Budgie Bits" and sold us enough copies of their magazine to supply our members. Regular articles that would have appeared in our Journal appeared in the "Budgie Bits" as part of the arrangement.

Within the first year of formation twenty two cage bird clubs became affiliated, reaching from Bath in the west to Chatham and Rochester in the east. Patronage was granted to 12 shows, and panels of judges found for about the same number. Fourteen lectures were given to various clubs. Three "Rallies", similar to our recent past seminars, were arranged within the Society's first year incorporating Lectures and Delegates of the Affiliated Societies.

The Society came to the rescue of their members in Bath and Exeter when these two cities were bombed in the summer of 1942. Birds were collected from many fanciers in the south east to supply members who lost so much of their stock.

By the Society's first A.G.M. on 3rd October 1942 membership stood at 175 with 24 affiliated societies and 14 panel judges. Cash balance at the Society's bank was £2 5s. 2d. Membership was continuously on the increase with members joining from as far afield as Lancashire. There were 14 cups up for competition at the third club show in 1943 when the society also hosted the Budgerigar Society's Club Show.

J. F. Jeffery became the chairman at the second A.G.M. on l5th April 1944. Subscriptions were raised from 5/- to 7/6. Membership stood at 193. Uxbridge CBS staged our club show. A member of the society, W. H. Eales, motioned a proposition to the Budgerigar Society to have one subscription fee and one ring for members of both the parent body and its affiliated area societies.


The Blue Riband scheme was initiated in 1945 from an idea submitted by L. Trevallion. The WAR was over. The Budgerigar Society administration was re-organised and finalised at a meeting on 2nd February 1946. The new General Council was to be 32 strong, 16 of whom were to be elected by members of the B.S. and 16 by the Affiliated Area Societies (two from each of the eight Area Societies). Our first delegates were T. E. Wheeler and R. Thrasher. The strength of the London & S.C.B.S. under this new constitution was such that there were 8 members serving on the B.S. Council with important positions on various sub-committees. How our society fared in the allocation of work was as follows: E. Brooks on the General Council and chairman of the Scientific Committee. T. Wheeler on the Executive Committee and chairman of the Finance Committee. R. Thrasher on the G.C. and A. Dillon on the Executive and Show Committees.

The club show was held at the National Red Cross Show in November 1945. F. W. Pratley was the new chairman. The society's balance at the 1946 A.G.M. stood at £49 6s. 5d. Number of Affiliated Societies was 27.

Mr. Trevallion won the first Blue Riband award. The Budgerigar Society re-defined boundaries for its Affiliated Area Societies. Our Society's boundary to be Essex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, London and Middlesex. A. W. Plant advocated the use of Plastic Show Cages in an article in Cage and Aviary Birds in December 1946 (nothing new about the current idea!)

In 1947, a motion was put forward at the B.S. General Council to reduce its size to half, this was defeated by one vote only. An Inter-Area Society competition was arranged with the newly formed Lincolnshire & East Anglia B.S. Most B.S. meetings were held in London.

Eight members of the society served on the B.S. General Council in 1948. Mr. Dillon stepped down as secretary and Mr. & MRS. W. Keevil filled the post. Regular monthly committee meetings were announced. The number of the Affiliated Societies reached 50. The first all Budgerigar club show was staged by the L.& S.C.B.S. at Hounslow. The first Society's Journal was published in 1948, editor was Mr. Dillon. L. Trevallion was the publicity secretary. The first meeting of all Panel Judges was held in July 1948. Nineteen judges were present. Membership was now fast approaching the 400 mark. The first Delegates Meeting took place in November 1948 at the Strand Palace Hotel.

1949 saw our president T. E. Wheeler become president of the Budgerigar Society as well. The Society's first badge was issued, designed by Mr. & Mrs. Keevil, and sold at 3s. 6d. The club show moved to Brighton, the Budgerigar entry was 600. By the end of the decade membership was more than 500.


The new decade started with new secretaries, Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Saunders, in 1951 with W. H. A. Reeves as the Show Patronage Secretary. W. E. Brooks was made Hon. Life Vice-President and Life Member. Southall & Uxbridge CBS staged both the B.S. and L.&S.C.B.S. club shows in 1950. The Silver Star Award was instituted in 1951. The 1,000th member was enrolled in 1951. He was Mr. Hudson of Tooting, a beginner, and received three years free membership. The 6th Delegates' Meeting was held in April 1951 with two meetings planned a year. J. M. Robottom was the president of the Council of Judges. S. G. Nye was co-opted to the Committee to take over publicity and editorial duties in 1951. Membership stood at 1550 in 1952 and the Silver Spoon was introduced at Blue Riband patronage shows. Entry at our Club Show was 1540.

Changes within the Committee in 1952. F. L. Dodridge became the new

chairman while Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Bourne the new secretaries and our founder member, A. M. P. M. Dillon became president of the Society that he had formed in 1941, a long awaited honour. He was also honoured with the presidency of the Budgerigar Society as well in that same Coronation Year. New changes to General Rules were adopted at the A.G.M. Membership exceeded the 2000 figure (B.S. membership stood at 15,000), the first Area Society to achieve such a high membership. Journal issued four times a year. The inauguration of the Judges Training Scheme commenced.


1954 saw the first World Convention organised by the Budgerigar Society at Harrogate in August. It was gratifying to see that the idea came from Len Trevallion, one of our founder members. 160 Societies now affiliated to the London & Southern Counties B.S. The first open meeting of the Judges Panel was arranged in June at the Surrey & Sussex B.S., three more to follow that year. Membership zoomed to just under 3000 by the end of 1954.

E. W. Brooks, first chairman of the Society, passed away late 1955. Membership in excess of 3200. New general secretaries in 1956 were Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Parkin. F. Sivier was appointed as the Judges' Panel secretary following the resignation of N. T. R. White after many years in office. New alterations to the B.S. Show Cage standard came into force. Another successful venture for the Society was the launching of the monthly Advanced Budgerigar Culture Courses, well conceived and organised by W. J. Bourne. A reconstitution of the affairs and management of the Society was rejected by the Committee on a majority vote because of the proposed creation of an Executive Committee and the introduction of Area Representatives.

Mr. & Mrs. E. Fielding became the new secretaries, the fifth husband and wife partnership in that post since Mr. Dillon's departure in 1948.

For economical reasons only two Journals were issued in 1957 the year that Harry Bryan won the supreme exhibit at the National and the year in which L. Trevallion became the Budgerigar Society President. D. E. Pratt took over from S. G. Nye as editor at the end of the year. Subscription fees stood at only 7s 6d for singles. A drastic drop in entry at our club show from 2500 in 1956 to 1269. The show was held at Winchester. 1958 was yet another notable year as again a London & SCBS member became B.S. President (2nd in a row) - this time Len Dabner.


The important happening in the Society's history was the organising of the independent club show in 1958 run entirely under the management of our own show committee. This was at the Central Hall, Westminster. The new show secretaries were Mr. & Mrs. A. Dexter. W. Steadman won BIS. Also the splitting up of the Hon. Secretary's post into a general secretary and subscription secretary. L. J. Tompkins and Mr. & Mrs. T. E. Collins occupied the new posts respectively. J. M. Robottom was made a Technical Adviser.

Only 49 members attended the 1959 A.G.M. The Advanced Culture Courses were on a monthly basis and very successful. A new fund was established; the staging fund to buy our own staging. The Budgerigar Society's championship scheme came into effect. The decade closed on a high note with membership nearly 2400 and 172 Affiliated Societies. Successful Dinner & Dances were organised annually and Year Books issued since 1947.


The Society lost one of its founder members and past president; E. W. Gadd. A new editor was appointed; H. R. `Skip' Chamberlain. Barbara Gray joined her husband Malcolm on the Committee (she retired from the Committee in 1990). The spring Journal was combined with the Year Book to bring forward the issue date of the Year Book. Subscriptions were raised from 7s 6d to 10s. The Society engaged a foreign judge, N. Tolmaer, for the first time at the open show.

Long debates in the B.S. Council meetings regarding the introduction of owner-bred adult classes at shows (forty years later the fancy is still talking about it).

1961 saw many changes in officers. The chairman F. L. Dodridge stepped down after nine years in favour of H. S. Morris. S. G. Nye took over the treasurer's post from R. W. Thrasher after twenty years. K. J. Sparksman became the new general secretary and Mr. & Mrs. G. Jennings the new subscription secretaries. The last Year Book was printed for some time. There was a decline in membership to 1509 and Affiliated Societies dropped to 157.

A new chairman, L. E. Gawthrop, was elected in 1962. The club show venue moved to Alexandra Palace. W. H. Eales, a founder member and past president, passed away. H. S. Saunders became the new secretary of the Judges Panel.

The death of Mr. Dillon, better known to his many friends as A.M. P.M., was announced; a great loss to the Society and to the fancy as a whole. New general secretaries, Mr. & Mrs. G. Jennings, were appointed in 1963 and they carried the duties of subscription secretaries as well.

The Northern and Southern Area Club Shows came into existence. And the Society entered into a legal dispute with Mr. Sparksman, past secretary, regarding affiliation fee, which was resolved within a few months.

Mr. Morris was re-elected to the chair in 1964. The date of the Society's A.G.M. moved to February.

R. Bissell took over the treasurer's post from Mr. Nye in 1965, Mr. Nye becoming the new chairman of the Society. In his first message to the members he reflected upon the decline in membership in all societies but hoped that the decline in our Society's membership from 3500 to 1346 had now been halted. There was no ballot due to insufficient applicants; (same fate still exists 35 years later). The Juvenile lower age limit was dropped from seven to six years. There were 46 members on the Society's Main Panel of Judges. An E.G.M. was held in May to approve changes in General Rules.

Mr. Reeves stepped down from the post of patronage secretary at the 1966 A.G.M. in favour of H. Aplin-Taylor; a post he had held since 1951. B.S. membership at this time only just over the 5000 mark. The state of the fancy was in disarray. It was the year of our SILVER JUBILEE, (25 years). The Journal took on a new format. R. Bissell was elected delegate to the B.S.; (he later became B.S. chairman in 1989 till his retirement from the B.S. General Council in 1991). A list of Members was published and a Convention to celebrate the Silver Jubilee was arranged for l0th June 1967. The area club show had a record entry of 2700 but this was marred by the protest lodged against an exhibit (258-5) in the beginner any age class. The exhibitor was Jeff Attwood who entered a bird in the Banded Pied class, won its class and eventually became a Best in Show just to be wrong classed a few hours later and the award withdrawn. In those days the Pied B.S. in awarding its patronage, called for three classes to be provided; Dominant Pieds, Banded Pieds and Clearflights. The B.S. at the time did not recognise the Banded Pied variety on its own but all Pieds (the dominant type) as one. It was claimed that the bird should have been entered in the Dominant Pied class. The Society upheld the decision of the judges, one of whom judging that class, namely Harry Bryan, was the president of the Pied B.S. Many letters were exchanged between the various bodies and much Committee time was spent on this issue but regrettably Jeff Attwood was a very sad and disappointed beginner. Mr. Attwood did forgive the L&SCBS and entered his birds in 1991, the GOLDEN JUBILEE year, to win BIS but did not bench his birds. It is also worthy of note that there were 21 Junior exhibitors at the show.

One of our founder members and past presidents; Miss M. E. J. Hughes passed away in summer 1967 followed shortly by W. H. A. Reeves, another of our pioneers. The convention was a great success. The speakers were H. Aplin-Taylor, R. K. Bissell, J. M. Robottom, and C. H. Rogers.

Mrs. G. Jennings, joint general and subscription secretary passed away in December. F. C. Goodman and G. B. Smith were appointed in 1968 to the positions of general secretary and subscription secretary respectively. W. Watmough relinquished the office of the chairmanship of the B.S. after 21 years. Len Dabner, another of our pioneers, passed away after a long illness in autumn 1968.


New changes in officers in 1970. S. G. Nye who was acting editor for 4 years relinquished this post in favour of R. Bissell and took over the treasurer's post. Membership was steadily increasing to 2000 plus. The publicity officer was E. Morris with Mrs. B. Gray being the social secretary for a number of years until 1981; organising the successful annual dinner and dances. F. Wright became the subscription secretary in 1971. The club show reached a record entry of 2700 again.

A new secretary was appointed in late 1971, D.J.C. Faulkner, but he stepped down after a few months due to a combination of health and business pressure. Mrs. Gray took over the post in early 1972. A. Marshall joined the Committee in late 1971 (still on the Committee in 2001), and Mrs. J. Hemus took over as Judges and Lecturers Panel secretary. H. R. Chamberlain resigned as show organiser; a post he held for many years.

1972 was also a year when another of our prestigious members, S. G. Nye, became president of the B.S.

Subscriptions were raised to 75p in 1973, the first in ten years, and a Members' Handbook, edited by Ron Bissell, was issued. The B.S. AGM was held in Worthing and our chairman, S. G. Nye, handed over the B.S. presidential chain of office at that meeting. Two new officers joined the Committee; Mr. & Mrs. G. Hemus became subscription secretaries and T. H. Davis the new editor. M. Mapston became the new secretary of the Judges and Lecturers Panel. A twenty year membership badge was introduced.

A. Ormerod became chairman of the Society in 1974 after Jim Nye stepped down from the hot seat after 9 years to become the Society's president. R. Bissell took on the publicity task and the new editor resigned after less than a year D. Beecher offering his services.


1975 was the B.S. Convention Year at Harrogate with a number of our Society officers and members on the various panels of lecturers and speakers. The Society's team was represented by G. Al-Nasser, R. Boyce, B. Byles, T. W. Clark, J. Graydon, A. J. Hutton, Mr. & Mrs. D. Jones, T. North, Ormerod & Sadler, W. Relf, C. Roberts, C. D. Saunders, G. B. Smith, M. Summerfield, K. Trapnell, H. F. Turk and F. Warren. Our Society's stand was judged second best and our team won the Grey Green BOC (Ormerod & Sadler).

R. Bissell replaced H. Aplin-Taylor as patronage secretary with F. Warren taking on the publicity task. Subscription increased to £1.50 for adults to be effective in 1976. Due to lack of representation by affiliated societies at the Delegates meetings, these became open meetings with speakers attending. Ormerod & Sadler won BIS at the B.S. club show for the second consecutive year with the same bird; a Dark Green cock. Indeed this was a great honour as it was the first time that a member or partnership from the L&SCBS had won this top honour.


1976 saw the beginning of the seminars organised by the Society which were still successful in the early Nineties. The first was organised by F. Warren and F. Wright at Coulsdon in October with a small show for the beginners and novices on the basis of a mini Inter-Club competition. The Delegates meeting was replaced by a "Face to Face" where F. Warren conducted interviews with top fanciers.

Mr. & Mrs. J. Harvey became the new subscription secretaries in 1977, while G. Fletcher took the patronage secretary's post and C. Bennett the treasurer's post. The latter two vacated their posts at the 1989 A.G.M. The Journals were reduced to three issues a year (January, May and September) instead of four to reduce cost. A replica of the Blue Riband cup was awarded in addition to the cup itself as a keepsake to the winner. R. Bissell became the new president of the Council of Judges. Both Delegates meetings were changed to open meetings due to the success of the "Face to Face", with another seminar organised again. The Silver Star was awarded to a non-budgerigar person, Miss Irene West for her longstanding contribution to the open shows. A special general meeting was called in July to consider an increase in subscription to become effective in 1978. This was carried unanimously, the new subscription rate to be £2.50 for adults. J. Robottom was made an HLM, only the second in the Society's history.

A new editor was appointed in late 1977, M. Beale, but joined by F. Warren and P. Spain in 1978 to be known as the "Editorial & Publicity Team". R. Bissell took over the chairmanship as Alf Ormerod returned to Lancashire. Another seminar was organised by C. Bennett in July in Chichester. The Society's open show moved to a new venue, Picketts Lock Centre in Edmonton.


The ring issue date discussed once again by the B.S. Council (being discussed previously in 1949 and again in 2001). The Council asked the Area Societies' delegates to go back to their members for general views regarding the later date (March 1st). Their decision at the October meetings was for the issue date to remain at January lst. Miss M. Kirkby-Mason became an HLM of the Society.

1979 saw many changes in the Society. The Journal with a newly designed front cover by Ken Gray who won the best design chosen from many entries. F. Warren became the new chairman, P. Jay the new secretary and D. Bracher the new subscription secretary. M. Beale stepped down from the editorial team. Two long serving members of the committee and past presidents passed away; Jim Nye and Malcolm Gray.


A new pictorial Ideal Budgerigar was chosen by the B.S. from two designs submitted by G. Binks and E. Peake with the latter chosen. Leeds became the new venue for the B.S. club show. Jack Robottom completed 50 years of continuous membership of the B.S. and the President's Trophy was introduced by Reg Crossman.

The Judges Training Scheme commenced. Barbara Gray became the Judges Panel's new secretary and Gerald Binks their new president; a post held by both throughout the eighties. A Crested Spoon for each section breeder was introduced as an extra incentive at Blue Riband shows. The Colour Certificates were introduced. An extra area show, the Floating Area Club Show, was introduced. Subscription was increased to £4 (effective in 1981). M. Mapston joined the editorial team.

Mrs. S. Bracher joined her husband to become joint subscription secretary in 1981; a post held until the 1990 A.G.M. Membership stood at 1454 at the end of the year. This was also the year that the sixth member of the Society became B.S. President; R. Bissell.

A further increase in subscription by 50p in 1982. The Society hosted the B.S. meetings in May and Len Trevallion, a founder member and past president, died early in the year. Budgerigar World, a monthly magazine, came on the scene in September under Gerald Binks's editorship.

Ted Woolley took on the secretarial post in 1983 and the Society introduced its first Young Stock Show to be held in Camberley. It received an entry of 846. Stan Richardson became the new editor. We had a ballot to elect the Committee for a change. The scope of the Judges Training Scheme widened to include novices and intermediates, as well as champions.


Subscriptions were again increased in 1984 to £5.50. Crawley Leisure Centre became the new venue for our Area Club Show, which received an entry of 2342. The show received sponsorship from Freeborn Citroen Garage of Southampton. Membership dropped to 1254 at the end of 1983. New General Rules were adopted at the A.G.M. and F. Warren stepped down from the publicity role after 10 years. G. Al-Nasser was co-opted to the Committee in June to deal with publicity. The Chelfers Award Patronage Scheme was introduced for the 1984 show season; devised by G. Fletcher, the patronage secretary. Jack Robottom passed away; a past president of the Society and long serving Officer who held the technical adviser post for many years.


The Committee spent much time discussing irregularities in the 1985 Ballot. One member on the ballot engaged a solicitor. A re-count of the results discounted 112 papers as invalid. The Society re-introduced the Seminar incorporating an Inter-Club Competition and held in Coulsdon. G. Al-Nasser and F. Wright organised this seminar which attracted 230 fanciers. West Middlesex BS won the team award and D. Dillon the best budgerigar in show.

The B.S. celebrated its Diamond Jubilee by staging another Convention at the Metropole Hotel, Birmingham in May. Among the specialist speakers were two Committee Members; G. Al-Nasser and R. Bissell. Our team, although only 53% strong, fared extremely well in achieving second best area society team in the Inter-Area Society Competition. Three Best of Colour awards were achieved; Best Opaline Blue series (Joyce & Watson), Best Recessive Pied (Bissell & Al-Nasser) and Best A.O.C. (R. P. Watts). G. N. Cook won Best Novice in Show.

Membership at the end of the year stood at 1106. S. Richardson stepped down from the editorship at the end of the year as well as the secretary Ted Woolley.

The new secretary D. T. Stephenson took over at the end of 1985. A new editorial team, G. Al-Nasser and A. Nash, was formed in 1986. The latter taking on full responsibility in 1987. D. Bracher took over the chair from F. Warren. Another ballot for 1986 was held with much improved security. This proved to be the last ballot for the remainder of the decade. Gurney Smith was made an Honorary Life Member but died at the end of the year.

South Essex BS won the team award and S. Robertson won BIS at the 1986 seminar. R. Bissell was awarded the B.S. Silver Bird.

Subscription fees went up to £6.50 in 1987. A motion to reduce the size of the Committee was defeated. A new category of membership "Journal Membership" was introduced. South Hampshire BS won the Inter-Club Competition at the Seminar with John Bird winning BIS. Frank Warren stepped down from the Committee late in the year. The first "Beginners Day" was organised by F. Wright in October at Rayleigh. Despite the hurricane two days earlier, attendance at this event was in excess of 80.

The Young Stock Show received a record entry of 1001. A beginners' pamphlet "Welcome to Budgerigar Keeping" written by Roy Stringer was produced by the Society to encourage newcomers to the fancy.

Brian Scott, open show secretary, gets married to Karen Boyt, daughter of another budgie member in September; the first of two marriages from the committee.

F. Warren was made an HLM at the 1988 A.G.M. Subscriptions to be increased to £8 as from 1989. Members accepted revised General and Patronage Rules. The B.S. award of the Silver Bird went to Barbara Gray. D. T. Stephenson resigned from the secretarial post in the summer to be replaced by B. Scott. Frank Dodridge, past president (three times) and chairman (for nine years), passed away. The Committee proposed the production of a new Members Handbook to be compiled by G. Al-Nasser. South Hampshire BS and Southdowns BS were the joint winners at the Seminar with G. Boyt winning BIS award. The seminar was attended by Dr. R. Travnicek from the USA as one of the speakers. J. Siggins, a past president, passed away.

1989 saw many changes and resignations. Janice Foxton became the new secretary (the l7th), both G. Fletcher and C. Bennett resigned from the patronage and treasurer posts, each having held those positions for eleven years. These were filled by Mr. & Mrs. B. Scott and B. Pocock respectively. G. Al-Nasser stepped down from the publicity post, which was taken over by S. Gage. F. Wright resigned from the Committee. During the summer both the new treasurer and publicity officer resigned from the Committee. The treasurer's post being taken over by the chairman and secretary until the 1990 A.G.M. Mrs. V. Tomlinson co-opted to the committee to deal with the publicity. Four committee members resigned during the year.

Major changes were implemented at both the open and young stock shows with unqualified success: the open show being reduced to a one day event while the young stock show catered for breeder classes only. The Affiliated Societies Delegates Meetings, popular in the past, were reintroduced. Attendance was poor from the 81 Affiliated Societies but many useful proposals were accepted. The Beginners Day was widened to encompass novices as well. Alf Ormerod, past chairman, passed away in the summer while judging the Western Counties B&FBS area show and after attending our Seminar as a speaker. Premier BA won the Seminar Inter-Club Competition with Ernie Sigston winning BIS.

The decade came to a close with a number of vacancies on the committee. Andy Nash, the editor, announced his retirement from the post but with no volunteers coming forward. Ron Pearce was elected to be the president in 1990 with Dave & Sharon Lawrence the new subscription secretaries and Peter Snashfold the new treasurer.


The new decade commenced with a drop in membership to 929. A new Handbook, compiled by Ghalib Al-Nasser, was issued to all members early in 1990 (the last was issued in 1973 and compiled by Ron Bissell). Barbara Gray retired from the committee at the A.G.M., which she joined in 1960. A new sub-committee was formed "Future Activities" headed by Ghalib Al-Nasser to organise the B.S. Convention Team and our Golden Jubilee Year (the Committee was formed again towards the end of the decade for the BS Millennium Convention and our Diamond Jubilee celebrations). Another Delegates Meeting was held in September. The combined Seminar and Beginner/Novice Day, which was organised for the end of September, had to be cancelled due to lack of support.

A new 2-tier patronage affiliation scheme was introduced with 91 societies affiliated to us. John Scoble from Australia was engaged to judge at the young stock show (the first and only overseas judge to be engaged so far at this event). A new Membership Promotion Package was introduced, as part of a Moving Forward scheme, to be sent to the Affiliated Societies for newcomers to the fancy and non-society members. The society introduced their own Personalised Ring Numbers. The Society's Team present at the B.S. 1990 Convention held at Scarborough was small (81 out of possible 232). The Convention was a great success with Ron Bissell as one of the speakers. Our success was limited to one BOC for best crest (G. Al-Nasser) and best junior (Allan Smith). Our society stand came fourth best. The first of the amalgamated shows was organised by Sussex BS and Surrey & Sussex BA and called the Southern Classic.


Future Activities committee were busy organising the various events during this special year. Our society hosted the B.S. Council meetings in May followed by our own Golden Jubilee Convention (the last to be organised by G. Al-Nasser). The Convention, attended by over 140 fanciers, was won by a junior, Alan Gell, with Premier BA winning best team. Newly designed Golden Jubilee Membership Certificates were issued to all members (inscribed by Janice Foxton). The society invited 10 of their past presidents to judge the area championship show. G. Al-Nasser took over as publicity officer again during this important year and became the open show organiser; the show received an entry of 2060. He also launched, on behalf of the B.S., his Joint Membership scheme visiting seven of the ten area societies. Delegates' meeting was poorly attended. The YSS received an entry of 680 for "breeder only classes".

The YSS moved to Coulsdon in 1992 under Ron Pearce's leadership. D & S Lawrence resigned from their subscription secretaries' post in June due to their move outside the area and Andy Nash took over the post. The B.S. awarded their Silver Bird to Miss M. Kirkby-Mason from a nomination by our society. A new Rule was passed at the AGM to qualify for life membership after 40 years continuous subscription membership and also the reduction of the size of the committee from 16 to 10. A newly designed society badge was introduced. A. Nash stepped down from the editor post after seven years and Dave Bracher took over the post.

Successes at the B.S. club show in November for the society, when they won the Premier Area Society Team for the first time since its donation in 1977. Terry Tuxford, one of our members, was the B.S. Trainee Judge of the Year. A further win for our members was the newly donated trophy for most C.C. gained throughout the show season, which was won by Patsy & Bruce Harper with 44 C.C.


Members were balloted in 1993 for the election of the new reduced committee (the last so far) and G. Al-Nasser topped the ballot again as he did in the previous 1986 ballot. Dennis & Ruby Faulkner joined the committee as the new treasurers after Peter Snashfold's retirement from the post and Roy Powell was elected to the committee and took over the vacant publicity officer's role. Janice Foxton took over from Barbara Gray as secretary to the Panel and Council of Judges. Three delegates meetings were organised at venues in Coulsdon, Havant and Laindon but poorly attended.

South Hants BS won the inter-club competition at the seminar with Geoff Cook winning the BIS award. A controversy arose at the open show as the award for best young bird and best opposite sex in show, won by the novices A.J. Stud, had to be withdrawn a few months later on instructions from the B.S. This was due to the fact that the late entry of the partnership was not printed in the catalogue but only on the result sheets.

1994 saw a few changes; Brian & Karen Scott became the first joint presidents and stepped down from the post of joint patronage secretaries after 5 years; the post was taken over by Phil Russell. Dave Bracher stepped down from the chair after 8 years and Roy Powell was elected to the post. Further amendments to Rules were discussed at the AGM. Shirley Bracher stood down from the committee, which she joined in 1981 as joint subscription secretary. The Delegates Meeting was cancelled due to lack of support. The society introduced 3 Journals per year. Essex International show, the amalgamated show of North Essex BS, South Essex BS & Premier BA was staged at Brentwood. Council of Judges introduced a rule change to increase the Council to 6 members. 45 societies applied for affiliation patronage and the attendance at the seminar dropped to fewer than 70. Premier BA won the team competition at the seminar and Neil Harvey won BIS. Ricky Watts took over as the patronage secretary in October after many problems had been experienced. The open show moved to a new venue; a school at East Grinstead, and to a new Saturday date in July.

A Novice, Beginner & Junior Day was organised during October in Dartford and the society won, for the second time, the Premier Area Society Trophy at the B.S. club show. Steve Robertson won the most C.C. trophy with 67 C.C. The Budgerigar Society took charge of the budgerigar section at the National Exhibition and a budgie, owned by our members from Reading, Alan & Val Newman, won the Supreme Exhibit at the show with a Grey Green cock. This was only the third time that a budgie had won this honour (previous two occasions were by Harry Bryan in 1957 and 1972).


A new secretary, Clive Chamberlain, took over from Janice Foxton in April 1995 after 6 years and both Mick Mapston and Ernie Sigston retired from the committee. Janice Foxton became the president in February just to change her name in April when she married the vice-chairman Ghalib Al-Nasser (a marriage within the committee). G. Al-Nasser took over the editorship after the resignation of D. Bracher from the post and from the committee just prior to the AGM. The Journal took on a new look (away from the printed glossy production) through a photocopying process to cut down on cost.

Karen Scott took a year's leave of absence from the committee to raise a family. Harry Bryan, the great man, died in April. G. Al-Nasser received the B.S. Silver Bird. The YSS and the seminar were combined together and Croydon BS won the competition with Graham Birks (Croydon member) winning BIS.


The B.S. held their Convention in Scarborough again with G. Al-Nasser on the organising committee as Programme & Fund Raising Officer. The society's team being an abysmal 12 in number and as expected ended up being last in the competition. The open show moved to a new venue in Crawley (Hawth Theatre) and received a drop in entry to 1740. Two past officers of the society passed away during the year; Peter Jay (past secretary between 1979-83) and H.R. (Skip) Chamberlain (past editor and show organiser during the 60's). Ernie Sigston won the most C.C. with 74. The year ended with the tragic death of Graham Birks and Bill Read from Croydon in a car accident on their way home from the B.S. club show. The year ended with a membership of 617.

Karen Scott rejoined the committee at the 1996 AGM as well as Dennis Faulkner who had previously sold his stud. Carolyn Spalding became the new member on the committee. G. Al-Nasser was elected by the B.S. to be the Millennium Convention Co-ordinator. The society introduced two new innovations. The first at the YSS, with the introduction of the owner-bred previous year any age classes, and the society's first specialist & rare variety show held in September at Addlestone.

Bill Watson reached 50 years of unbroken membership of the society (at the moment he is the only one). The Southern Red-Eye Club was inaugurated in October under Ricky Watts' leadership. Sigston & Payne won the supreme award at the B.S. club show (the first since 1976 when Ormerod & Sadler won it last). The year ended on a high note when the society won the NCA Best Budgerigar Club of the Year and the £100 sponsored by Cage & Aviary Birds.

1997 saw other activities within the society when we organised two Open Days in Southend and Chidham, and launched another Membership Drive to recruit fanciers within the area who were not members. Minor Rule alterations were passed at the AGM followed by the issuing of a new Rule Book with a List of Members to all members. Carolyn Spalding took over the role of publicity and the B.S. announced that Eastbourne was to be the venue for their World Millennium Convention. Two major proposals were defeated at the B.S. AGM; owner bred birds and the 2-year breeder classes. One of our members, Ghalib Al-Nasser, became the secretary of the WORLD BUDGERIGAR ORGANISATION.

The society ended the year on a high note with further successes at the B.S. club show. Our society won the Premier Area Society Trophy for the third time and Roy Sturgess became the Trainee Judge of the Year.

Members approved further Rule changes at the 1998 AGM, the important rule being the introduction of the President-Elect position voted on by members at the AGM. Brian & Karen Scott took over the patronage secretaries' role again after the retirement of Ricky Watts from that post which he held for 3 years. The open show made changes by judging the sections down to 10th place with no patronage from affiliated societies and suffered a drop in entry by 400. The survey conducted was not conclusive as to the reasons why. Two of our members shared the top honours at the B.S. club show; Doug Ball won BIS and best any age while Frank Silva won best young bird and best opposite sex in show.

The year saw the sad loss in October of Mick Wheeler, a prominent member of the society's Council of Judges, while on a holiday in South Africa. This was followed in November by two further sad losses of past officials of the society; Ron Bissell and Ron Denham. Clive Chamberlain retired from his secretarial post at the end of the year.


1999 saw many changes within the committee. Andy Nash retired from the committee at the AGM after serving it diligently since 1986 and Dennis & Ruby Faulkner took over the post of subscription secretaries. Carolyn Spalding replaced Ghalib Al-Nasser as editor after 4 years and he joined Roy Powell as the publicity team. Brian Scott became the new chairman after Roy Powell changed his hot seat as chairman after 5 years and took over the secretarial duties. Gerald Binks retired from the presidential role of the Council of Judges that he had occupied since 1980 and the Council elected Ghalib Al-Nasser to replace him. Mick Mapston stood down from the Council of Judges as well which he served initially as secretary from 1973 to 1980 and then as council member ever since 1980.

The society's specialist & rare show moved venue to Coulsdon and another Delegates Meeting was organised for September. Many positive ideas came from that meeting that the society is implementing. A new specialist budgerigar club was formed in Chelmsford during the summer; Mid Essex BS. The Judges Training Day hit an all time low with only 3 fanciers attending; two of whom came from Dublin. Further successes for our society and members at the B.S. club show when the society won the Best Area Society Stand competition and Frank Silva swept the board with specials; BIS, best any age, best young bird and best young bird opposite sex. The decade ended with society membership at the low figure of 488.


The society started the new Millennium by moving its AGM around the area; the first was in Odiham assisted by Northdowns BS. The Journal had a new face lift with a different society logo on the front cover and the open show moved to another new venue; a school hall in Crawley to cut down on cost. The age of the INTERNET reached the society with the launch of our own website.

The Budgerigar Society organised their successful WORLD MILLENNIUM CONVENTION at Eastbourne in June attended by many fanciers from all over the country including delegates from the WORLD BUDGERIGAR ORGANISATION. And if history had to be written, then it could not have been written better than to say that the Convention Co-ordinator was a society member (Ghalib Al-Nasser). The society won the Area Society Inter-Club competition and one of our members from Eastbourne (Gavin Carter) won the supreme award of BIS. Our members won numerous awards including best opposite sex (D. Ball), best champion (A. Stewart), best intermediate (A. Wyness), best novice (G. Carter) and best beginner (M. Norman). Challenge certificates were won by G. & J. Al-Nasser (Spangle Blue & Yellowface), D. Ball (Dark Factor Green & Dark Factor Blue), G. Carter (Green), M & P Freemantle (Blue), R. Watts Grey Green & Opaline Grey Green), A. Wyness (Opaline Green & Opaline Grey), T. Neil (Opaline Blue), R. Aplin (Cinnamon Blue), J. Davis (Lutino & Albino) and I. Fordam (AOC). WHAT A RECORD!

The B.S. introduced a new challenge certificate for the Rare Varieties and appended the junior classes into the main full classification. Our own specialist and rare show had to be cancelled due the national petrol crisis during that week. A new event in our area organised by Roy Powell took shape; Millennium Festival of Cage & Aviary Birds. And Andy Thorpe won the B.S. Trainee Judge of the Year trophy.


The 2001 AGM moved to Chelmsford and further amendments to Rules were passed. The membership stood at 433 at the end of last year and 4 committee members retired from the council including Peter Snashfold who joined as treasurer in 1990. Three members joined the committee including Fred Wright (after his absence from 1989) and Roy Powell was installed as our President in this special year.

Our society hosted the B.S. meetings and the AGM in May at Gatwick with a Dinner & Dance to celebrate our Diamond Jubilee and one of our members, Ghalib Al-Nasser, was installed B.S. President at the AGM; only the seventh from our society. On the B.S. General Council we are still well represented with three elected and two representatives. Ghalib Al-Nasser sits on the Judges Panel & Colour Standards Committee, Janice Al-Nasser sits on the Club Show Committee and Fred Wright sits on the General Purpose & Finance Committee. Both Brian & Karen Scott are our society representatives with Ron Pearce also sit on the Club Show Committee. And the results of the first proxy voting by members on Rules were announced by the B.S. chairman, Grant Findlay, at the AGM with an overwhelming majority in favour of all the resolutions.

2001 is the year when we celebrate our Diamond Jubilee by issuing this Handbook to members with newly designed Diamond Jubilee Membership Certificates (inscribed by Janice Al-Nasser). Our area show moves yet again to another venue in East Grinstead and the society had organised another successful Delegates Meeting in May. The Judges Training Day is to be run every two years from 2002.

Back in 1942, just a few months after the formation of the society, a Canary man said to Mr. Dillon (our founder member) that the L&SCBS would go up like a rocket, and come down like a stick. Well the stick has defied Newton's Law; it is still up there 60 years later. To all members and friends of the L&SCBS may I say "SEE THAT IT STAYS UP THERE"

Ghalib Al-Nasser

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