Quick Profile -
Richard Tessier
What you like to be called?
When did you start in
budgies? 1987
Favourite colour/variety
(Budgie) Dominant pied, opaline, dark green
Favourite colour
(non-Budgie) Blue
Pizza or Burger? Pizza
Book or Kindle? Book
Additives fed to budgies?
S76, Abidec, cider vinegar
Best Budgie moment? My
first rosette!
Budgie clubs you belong to?
Other hobbies? Semi
precious stones, bowls, crosswords , whisky!
Other clubs you belong to?
Local Active Retirement Asscn. (Chairman), Bowls Club
Favourite holiday
destination? Italy
Average number of budgies
kept? 80-100
Softfood recipe? Eggfood,
carrot, beetroot, cress, broccoli, corn, spinach
When do you have birds for
sale? No set time |